Bastard Anniversary Mafia - Marluxion The Occultist wins!

Marg, can you tell someone to heal me, I just don’t wanna die…

Do not fret my good boy, you were never poisoned/bled

UHH Trust me, I was, and if I die, that’ll be proven.

wait are you saying that I’m lying or that someone faked it

Wait a minute are you guys testing in case there is a class that fake bleeds/poisons then it says that they were healed?

Gonna be honest, I dont doubt it

Should I watch over since it prevents visits to me also?


Then it’ll be confirmed if I get healed even though I did it.


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I’ve been poisoned though, so I kinda need to get healed…

You also? I doubt that.

Unless it is the final two party guest classes that can both poison/fake poison @Margaret note this down.

Actually, a poisoner that fake poisons one person and real poisons another is a very real possibility tbh
It’s been in a ton of games on MU, even non-bastard ones.

Okay so healers should heal wolfy tonight and if I’m not healed, they should heal me tomorrow.

since I’m using watch over which is a test for fake poison on me

I feel like you were the fake posioned one, consdiering Celeste said you weren’t posioned

Hm… Thats quite odd.

There isnt any space for another party guest that can poison

I very very strongly suspect that there are hidden villager and wolf classes, like i said.


Hmm? Hidden Mafia roles?

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Party Guests

  • Social Messenger (Day Ability Used)
  • Claimvig/Killer (Day ability used)
  • First poison (Day ability used)
  • Mercenary (No day ability used)
    Then I thought we had another PG that we confirmed what was it again