Bastard Anniversary Mafia - Marluxion The Occultist wins!

Also I didn’t use day ability because I can’t use mine till day 3.

Lemme check my notes, I know I thought I said something

btw who is the social messenger?

The guy that claims Overseer or whatever it is

What even is Margaret, she seems to be doing the most work which makes me think it’s a town!margaret.

I think the Overmind thing is a troll, by the way, because what faction everybody is would be far more powerful for them than it would’ve been in Conspiracy, when it’s unclear if the wolves even know they’re wolves.

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If you think she’s town then don’t get her to out.

I wasn’t, I was making a joke about how they aren’t acting how they normally act.

No, Margaret has never tried in this way in particular before. I really don’t think that they’re village to be honest.

now I see my mistake

I have a tinfoil about the social messenger but I think it would be bad of me to say what I’m thinking.


Just bringing this up right now.


It’s entirely possible that Psycho changed a class so heavily it’s barely recognisable, and that’s why the modposter is sending such a strange message.

Also why are we doing mechanical speculation on Day 1 in a bastard game?

have you seen my class, I THINK IT HEAVILY CHANGED

I mean, there are ways to find out what the bastard mechanics are, through party guests and the detective. It’d be good to correlate them with D1 speculation.

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I turned from a killer to a guy who is trying to save someones life, yeh I THINK I CHANGED.

Wait, does the dumb cop’s heal count as visit? If so, the detective can find them if there is one

Gamer, do you have any actual reads beyond empty IIoA here?

The motivation behind that post feels like Gamer is village but they really aren’t useful, by the way.