Bastard Anniversary Mafia - Marluxion The Occultist wins!

Anybody who heals Wazza tonight is lock wolf, I repeat, lock wolf.

Who cares, I did my job LOL

i think i’ll sign off for now and do my homework
tommorow morning i’ll pretend Psycho didn’t give a 3p a dayvig for no reason

by the way, heal me tonight

and Squid, I recommend you visit Ici otherwise they’ll die. ;-;

Unless you want them to die, then well don’t visit them.

Sorry, why am I going to die?

I’m triggered, Wazza shot one of the most active near conf town

Let’s just say uhh… day 1 ability…

Silent Poison - 1 Use

You will poison the player, if they are visited by your contract, they will be healed.

So uhh yeh…

Ahem well then

/vote Squid

So you are asking for Ici to die…?

Jeez, true corrupt mayor right there.

Unless my action doesnt do anything, he cant be targetted

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^ This is my night result

It’s a POISON ability, he dies no matter what unless visited.

I prevented that ability unless my action failed

trust me, it was successful, unless I was lied to

>bastard game


But I think the thing says that it wont lie to you unless changed by frame or anything.

Mine said it was successful so it prevented yours :thinking: