Bastard Anniversary Mafia - Marluxion The Occultist wins!

also was that at night or day, since mines a DAY ability

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Help :frowning:
My result is confusing me

Someone screwed it up.

Mine was a day but I did mine before you :wink:

Aka u wasted your posion

so you did yours at the start of the day

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celeste just to check who did you redirect it to

well let’s see if Ici dies tonight then huh.


Just cuz I revealed as Corrupt Mayor doesnt mean my class isnt edited

i’m assuming that you redirected it using that ability on the Corrupt Mayor’s rolecard
I guess

When I said I blessed thee, thats when it shouldve started preventing sht to u

Can we please just skip this and get to problem solving? That was 1/2 of my night result and I am scared of saying more

Oh and also uhh something happened.

I was offered a deal.

If I accept, I live, if I decline, I die…

I’m scared what do I do?

Unless its actually sending everything to you

Decline. Bastard game = Lie

You decline since u die tonight anyways

Fuck it, any chance of living I take it.


U just got dayvigged

accepted it like 8 mins ago
