Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

/vote Icibalus

I think Icibalus is a wolf

pocket? ISO? soulread?

help a grizzly out what does it mean

From what I gather, itā€™s basically reading someone as town or scum based off of how you feel reading their posts, and not reading into the posts per se.

I could be totally wrong though, but thatā€™s the vibe I got when Ici said he was ā€œsoulreadingā€ Hjasik in 2d3.

basically the gutfeeling while reading?

Pocket: when a scum player bes super nice to a towny to try and get them to side with them.
ISO: Isolate Posts, filter out everyone but one personā€™s posts ( you do this by clicking their name and then the button which says ā€˜x posts in topicā€™
Soulread: When someone reads every single motivation/plan you have as scum

Thatā€™s called gutreading

Woah there buckaroo, letā€™s stop and think for a second

Letā€™s wait a bit before lynching him, as we have less of a guarantee of him being wolf than others like Blizer and otb ATM

Iā€™d almost say Ici and bin are on the same team :eyes:

You know what, this was really helpful to me, since I clearly misunderstood the meaning of soulreading.

Apologies, Rag, for the misinformation.

A bit like how PKR soulread Marcus in Infection

thanks fir explaining good sir!

but yeah i dont rly trust ici. from his posts i get that he wants to defend me cause im new to this but it sounded very crafted and prepared in a weird way when i read it

Then we should lynch otb first

It could be potentially wise to wait if heā€™s town, as I have said in other games

I think Ici is trying to pocket Ragnaroek, and is trying to clear his scumbuddy bin because I donā€™t see how any of binā€™s fluffposts that Ici said were ā€˜townyā€™ are actually towny at all. Theyā€™re just fluff.

okay, fluff?

If thatā€™s the case then as Maxi said, would the safest lynch here not be OTB?

Filler, useless content that contributes nothing


ā€˜I like bananasā€™

Thats a fluffpost

oh. shitposts basically

This seems like a non-undead slip tbh