Blood on the Forums: Clown Fiesta (2/9 Students Remain) END-GAME (SOCIETY WINS)

The way I see it is either Gorta or Can has to be the final scum holding Lil monsta. Right now, I don’t know which.

I can’t give you a solid answer right now

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/whisper Marluxion

I don’t accept


I’m gonna tree till nominations open

Do we just let Gorta Can and PKR settle this then by themselves?

nah I’ll pop in during noms to make sure everyone’s been nominated
otherwise they get the big pingus

Bold of you to assume they won’t tree out and not nominate

hey, as long as someone noms PKR I think it’ll be ok

i.e. whichever of Can/Gorta is first in the thread should nominate PKR
then PKR nominates the one who didn’t nominate him
and that player nominates the one who nominated PKR

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inb4 one of them claims Goblin

Sounds like the perfect plan to me.

ah yes, the classic last-ditch effort to save themselves

We’ll know they’re lyinb.

That and even if they were goblin, if they’re holding Lil monsta and we execute them, we win.

I… don’t think Goblin and Lil Monsta should exist in the same setup
otherwise we implode


I think Goblin’s ability activates first?

Don’t quote me on this but if Goblin is executed, their ability goes off first since they were executed, but not dead

Well, it’s not possible for there to be a goblin now at least.

If both good and devil’s win condition is met, good wins.
