Blood on the Forums: Clown Fiesta (2/9 Students Remain) END-GAME (SOCIETY WINS)



But I don’t believe it

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you want reasoning this time?

I’ve recently wolfed with Gorta, and Gorta here is just town. I have very little doubt about that. He claimed Recluse right at the beginning, has stuck with it for the entirety of the game, and is never scum with Leafia. He’s also not scum with you because you’ve never whispered each other even once during the game.

Can did such a massive derp on the Artist question that I think it almost always comes from a panicked villager and not scum trying to cover their tracks, because that would just be a hugely incriminating error. I’ll take it as a derpclear.

PKR hasn’t done anything that stands out to me as incredibly wolfy, except that you two thunderdomed by both claiming amnesiac. If you’re a wolf, I’d assume your scum buddy is exactly PKR because pushing him is the best way to not get him yeeted. But on the other hand, there’s a world where you aren’t scum but Leafia is, and if that’s the case she is exactly scum with PKR because they’re neighbors.

Leafia’s been spewing PKR as her scum partner since D1

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You can go do that then.

I’ve lost all personal attachment and care I had about this game so meh.

If you want to vote me, then vote me.

If I’m scum I would’ve had no reason to get annoyed at Can for what they did.
Especially considering I could’ve just let it look scummy on their part without saying anything.

I’m not going to push for myself to be kept alive.
Game’s over today anyway, I can just act like the game didn’t exist after this.

Isn’t this like a bad argument?

Cause what if the reason is literally “I did this unnecessary thing so that I could acknowledge it 2 hours later and use it to make myself look townier”

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You can say that if you want.

I knew you or someone would’ve said it so Shrug


It works better if you don’t acknowledge or have a scummate pick up on it I think

But I literally did acknowledge it?
I don’t get what you’re trying to say here.

I know we’ve been a 1v1 for a good while.
And I don’t actually want to lose.

But if people are genuinely all of a sudden scumreading me when they weren’t before.
Then what can I do?
Keep trying to work out who of Gorta or Can is scum?

Already tried that, I came to my own conclusions.
I cannot force others to see my perspective.

Wind and Marl in all likelihood control the outcome of the game.
Because if Can and Gorta both vote me to be executed, we know you’ll vote too and that’s 3 votes against me.

Can brings up a good point honestly. Are you sure you haven’t been pocketing me this entire game PKR?

I can’t tell if you mixed my name up with Can in this post… or you mixed my name up with PKR in this post…

Neither. I just never realized it before. Why was PKR so sure that I wasn’t a demon?

Yes, I have been obviously pocketing you the entire game Leafia.
Clearly I am just a strong wolf.

I learned my tell by @Marluxion but slipped today.
I’ve lost my WiM.

Just in case you cannot tell, I’m being sarcastic because I’m getting annoyed.
You really are Seth 2.0. No offence.

Hmmm, not sure what to think about this honestly.

Ah. Sarcasm.

Are you like trying to copy me now or something?

Why have you suddenly lost your WiM you can actually defend yourself : |

Defend myself, how exactly Intensify?
I’ve said my claim, I’ve given my info, I’ve followed advice.

I nominated you at the last second which I knew would look scummy because I didn’t care, I was convinced I was doing the right thing in the end to help town win.

I’ve made logical arguments, I’ve expressed the likelihood of each person being scum out of those alive.

Where else do you expect me to defend myself? I’ve done so much and put so much in.
What exactly is the point?

Ok but the fact that you gave up in like 10 seconds after they said “Hey I actually suddenly believe Intensify” is really dumb.

Like I know I also gave up but atleast I tried to actually defend myself and find any possible defense before giving up

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I guess I have 1 thing I can ask you.

If you genuinely have believed I’m scum this entire game, why didn’t you just nominate me?

I get that you might have lost WiM but it doesn’t make sense from a town perspective why you wouldn’t at least try.

(Unless you just weren’t on during nomination phase, I cannot remember)