Blood on the Forums: Clown Fiesta (2/9 Students Remain) END-GAME (SOCIETY WINS)

if you are town leafia you are sheeping too damn hard right now and not thinking outside of the box

Last game we planned what to do to a T
And the final day I planned to buddy with App and Marsh planned to go the angle of us being team.

So? It’s Intensify doing it, not PKR.

I don’t think me and Leafia were personally attacking each other we were just having a nice ol debate we didn’t even insult each other

this, if they are a team then I don’t see why PKR couldn’t suggest it

Please just ignore Leafia and outside folks for now.
You and me need to talk right here right now.
If you’re genuinely innocent then I want to know why Can’s done what they’ve done.

I am waiting on Marl to get here because I really want to speak with Marl right now

If you’re town, you’re being the sheep that’s allowing Intensify to manipulate your thinking. This is exactly what he wants you to think so that PKR will get executed over his scummate.

everyone but the person who is scumread almost universally is standing up for me

screw off, you already think it’s me. Intensify hasn’t don’t shit to manipulate me

I don’t think Intensify would go with that but I guess considering that as a possibility can’t hurt.

ok everyone take a quick break, this threads getting a bit heated.

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this isn’t official but i really recommend it, the day isnt over until a long while.


If Leafia votes me I think Amelia wouldn’t have much of a problem either the town just losses, congrats scum you likely just win this

Maybe put Hell’s Librarian in play for an hour or so. I think it could do a lot of good at this point.

Gorta, Leafia.
Break, please.

I said the same to Leafia with Intensify.

I’m waiting on Marl to show up

I used my ghost vote yesterday because of you.

But I wasn’t insulting or screaming at Leafia reee

I’ll likely take a short break