Blood on the Forums: Clown Fiesta (2/9 Students Remain) END-GAME (SOCIETY WINS)

yeah the word is “details”



Gorta is never my minion here even if I am cmscum. Just look at how much I’ve been pushing him. I obviously want Gorta executed over PKR. Anyone who would think otherwise is missing a few brain cells and if I was scum, it has to be with PKR, never Gorta. I never once whispered tonGorta after all.

I really thought he was town and you know how bullheaded I can get. I’m lunatic.

Is this worded correctly?

yeah, I’m saying I don’t think Leafia/PKR is the most likely team. I said that because PKR got very annoyed with Leafia and nominated her.
But I also had second thoughts after writing that, since PKR never did actually vote Leafia, despite the nomination.

yeah, I know Gorta isn’t your minion lol

I just find it interesting that Intensify is pushing PKR, and everyone else in the thread is pushing Gorta pretty unanimously.
Literally nobody is pushing Can, and that’s only one push on PKR.
Why would that make me think Gorta is the other minion?

basically I’m saying that in almost all worlds, Gorta is spewed as being exactly Recluse and not a minion.

PKR and Intensify are in a thunderdome. It is unlikely that they are both minions.

Please address this post.

If you think that, then we’ve already lost because it’s obvious that Can can’t possibly be the demon. In fact, PKR is a more likely demon than Can is.

There’s this too. PKR and Intensify have exactly one minion between them.

The opposite is true. Since my vote on gorta is locked, PKR and Intensify were both minions, could force a tie against gorta to prevent PKR from being executed. Since this has not occurred, it can only be concluded that PKR and Intensify and not both minions.

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This exactly.

both you and PKR are saying Gorta is the minion, and so is Leafia. I somehow doubt that all of you are correct because Gorta’s a very easy LHF as a recluse and someone who isn’t 100% caught up with the game and all its claims.

I do think so, yes, because at this point it would’ve been kind of hard to coordinate claims otherwise. Especially with Lil Monsta in play.

In a world where PKR and Intensify are both minions, Intensify just has to vote Gorta here and it becomes impossible for them to lose.

So Intensify’s scumbuddy is locked in to be Gorta. Otherwise, Intensify would’ve voted Gorta here and won.

he already voted PKR
tell me why Intensify’s scum buddy can’t be Cantaloupe

It’s impossible for Intensify and PKR to be minion/Minion here and you said it yourself. A PKR/Leafia scumteam is very unlikely.

Hmmm, it’s certainly a possibility to be honest. I guess I got so caught up in thinking it was Gorta that I forgot that an Intensify/Can scumteam is possible as well.