Blood on the Forums: Clown Fiesta (2/9 Students Remain) END-GAME (SOCIETY WINS)


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Suspecting me of being scumbuddies with PKR right now is completely understandable really.

To be honest, even my tunneling of Gorta and insistence that PKR can’t be scum kind of points towards it.

Also, the answer to my riddle was A stupid way to start the alphabet. It’s my favorite riddle that I read in a riddle book years ago.

The thing that impresses and surprises me the most is that no one replaced out. I think this is the first game that I’ve been in where that has been the case. I’m proud of everyone for sticking it through to the end.

Anyway, I’m going to go take a break now so everyone later.

Don’t jinx it :eyes:

Sorry. I won’t. Less than 12 hours to go, win or lose too.

Also, now that I’ve had a chance to skim through PKR’s posts, I can see the possibility of an Intensify/PKR scumteam, even if I don’t think it’s the most likely possibility. I think a Gorta/Intensify scumteam is the most likely right now but not by much. I feel that an Intensify/Cantaloupe scumteam is the least likely of all though, but not an impossibility.

pkr/gorta scumteam

While doubtful, not impossible.

If that’s the team, I’m willing to bet that Gorta is holding Lil monsta too. PKR has had way too much heat on him for me to think he’s holding it, especially with how much Intensify wants PKR dead.

PKR’s actions support that possibility too. I think he wants us to execute him over Gorta if it’s a PKR/Gorta scumteam. @Intensify Do you think it could be a PKR/Gorta scumteam as well?

Idk kill POR

Can’s results also say that Gorta is holding Lil monsta in a Gorta/PKR scumteam and the way I figure it, Can only has a 20% chance if having been made drunk by Amelia’s death, so that’s an 80% chance that Gorta is holding Lil monsta. After a bit of thought, I think a Gorta/PKR scumteam makes perfect sense too.

In a Gorta/PKR world due to Can’s results, Gorta has an 80% chance of being the one holding Lil monsta.

That’S not how drunkenness works.

Can nor Gorta is forced to have their abilities disabled, ST always chooses. In this scenario, ST always 100% makes Gorta appear as the Demon anyways even if he was drunk

Also I’d argue PKR would most likely be holding the token since he seems to be the most well established out of the three as town by some others

False. A drunk character’s ability cannot impact the gamestate. Their ability never works; what’s up the ST is what information they get.

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Are you kidding me? Lol.
I absolutely pulled shade onto me in worlds with me/Gorta being possible. By being the sole nominator last night.