Blood on the Forums: Clown Fiesta (2/9 Students Remain) END-GAME (SOCIETY WINS)


Have I been lied to

Idk, who told you that

Hold on…

You might’ve misinterpreted it tho

sounds like someone forgot game mechanics again

Example: A Drunk slayer’s ability cannot kill anybody. Even if they’re the demon, the ST can’t just say “welp you’re drunk but here u go”

Ok I see…

I could’ve swore ST chose but maybe idk that’s for poison or just only information character

Negatory. Drunkness and poisoning have the same effect.

And yes, ST does choose one part of droisioning: the information the player gets.

Ok so it’s only for investigative roles that ST chooses ok got it

Wait this doesn’t matter…

Gorta never gets poisoned by the ST if he’s real anyways that’s just stupid poisoning another Outsider with an Outsider

No, they still don’t choose if their ability works. Although I don’t know if there’s an information character that has another part to their ability that would be effected by droisoning.

also if Gorta was indeed made drunk and canta is real then canta should’ve gotten a no off their question

(effected as in it doesn’t just give arbitrary info)

Sweetheart dying doesn’t change anything at all cause ST never poisons Gorta

Now I’m confused again.

Ok so…

What I was saying as that ST can choose whether they want to reverse the info that the character gets right? Cause otherwise Vortox’s special thing doesn’t make much sense


it’s arbitrary for a reason

So ST can choose : |

Yes, they can give the information character bogus info.

Fun fact: the Vortox forces false info, even if the player is droisoned.

I think this means that in a Gorta/PKR team like I think it is now, Gorta is always holding the Lil monsta. By checking Gorta, Can might’ve literally saved us from executing PKR and losing. Good job Can. Sorry for doubting you so much Intensify.

(this also applies with characters who get non-binary info, like Savant can get 2 true statements when drunk while in a Vortox they must get 2 false)