Blood on the Forums: Clown Fiesta (2/9 Students Remain) END-GAME (SOCIETY WINS)

…So I’ve been watching this whole thing from the sidelines, and I’d like to share the thing that was making me scream internally (aside from all the other things that were making me scream internally, but those were already addressed):

This… is actually totally fucking wrong. From what I understand, the question was “If Gorta is executed, will [Cantaloupe] win the game?”, and Recluse registering… doesn’t affect that because in order to affect that, Gorta would not only have to be registering as a Demon, but there would have to be no other living Demons (otherwise, it doesn’t matter if Demon!Gorta is executed, there’s another Demon around so good doesn’t win yet). Unless Can was drunk (which they weren’t), the answer to this was logically required to be a no (or a yes if Gorta was actually the Demon; I wasn’t an informed spec so I didn’t know for certain, but the point stands that there wasn’t room for ambiguity on the result).


oh yeah it was totally fucking wrong

but cantaloupe already discussed it publically and I decided to roll with it.

this is what i was thinking
but i didnt want to look stupid

in this situation, instead of correcting an artist question that doesnt matter much and breaking integrity even more, I decided it was better for game health to say how I was ruling it to cantaloupe.

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Please dont think like that, if you have any questions please ask.

i’m more of a Laissez Faire mod (as you can probably tell) but if you have any questions about the rules, feel free to ask.

Ghana: “The question doesn’t matter much anyway”
The question: is literally causing the two remaining good players at F3 to thunderdome each other and ignore the Demon

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do i need to share the screenshot where I explained how i was running the question.

because i have receipts.

you cant argue with the host when they can take a screenshot


The host was the third impostor


Since you have receipts, does this mean we get to return the end result for cashback? :3


@Tangeld I explained how I was running the question, so you cant even argue that this screwup influenced the game in any way.

also admitting I fucked up the question basically hard confirms gorta as well. I’m not doing that.

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i didnt fix it

fixing it causes an integrity breach

why do you want to cause integrity breaches tan

you have been owned with facts and logic

You “fixed” it by making the result not a direct condemnation of Gorta as Demon, which it would have been otherwise.

i mean

if i fixed it, firstly it confirms shenanigans happened (semi confirming gorta) and also the answer is still useless.

Basically, you broke the rules, then broke them again and went “Hey, now they’re double-jointed! That’s cool, right?”

so why should i fix it.

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