…So I’ve been watching this whole thing from the sidelines, and I’d like to share the thing that was making me scream internally (aside from all the other things that were making me scream internally, but those were already addressed):
This… is actually totally fucking wrong. From what I understand, the question was “If Gorta is executed, will [Cantaloupe] win the game?”, and Recluse registering… doesn’t affect that because in order to affect that, Gorta would not only have to be registering as a Demon, but there would have to be no other living Demons (otherwise, it doesn’t matter if Demon!Gorta is executed, there’s another Demon around so good doesn’t win yet). Unless Can was drunk (which they weren’t), the answer to this was logically required to be a no (or a yes if Gorta was actually the Demon; I wasn’t an informed spec so I didn’t know for certain, but the point stands that there wasn’t room for ambiguity on the result).