Blood on the Forums: Clown Fiesta (2/9 Students Remain) END-GAME (SOCIETY WINS)

the point of games is to have fun.

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basically cantaloupse answer is always a no from how youre running it, and then hard confirms gorta as a recluse because I had to fix it.

and if he asked it about pkr I could still give a no, so If I fixed it I turn a useless artist question into a game solve.

I refuse to believe you’d actually do that.

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If I explain how I’m ruling an ability, and it’s still possible to figure out, what is the issue here. What youre advocating for is just causing an integrity breach for no reason.

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also the game is over and as far as i can tell this is just us going “no u” back and forth.

can we not please.

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no u

Ghana, I’m not saying “You should have corrected the info after giving it”. That proves that there was an error in the first place. What I’m saying is “there shouldn’t have been that error in the first place, and it still wouldn’t have been the sole gamesolve because although that question is most certainly not useless (it’s a Demon detector that ignores false registration from Recluse), it still wasn’t certain because there was a dead Sweetheart and no one knew that the Cannibal was drunk from that”.

no it’s still triggered from the recluse, because pkr was the demon.

so what do you want me to do? Not make errors? Thats stupid.

If I could not do errors I wouldnt do them, thats the whole point.

…Did you just say that not making errors is a stupid thing for a Storyteller to try and do?

I made a mod error, said how I was handling the situation. And moved on with the game. Yelling about it post game and saying to not make mod errors is pointless.

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are you just looking for a fight now.

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its obvious from context what I meant was "you cant always prevent making errors, the most productive way to handle it is to fix it/explain what happened.

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Can we drop this now? Please?

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we’re not gonna be changing anyones mind here

let’s just stop

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Okay, and there’s a much better way to try and communicate that than “Not make errors? That’s stupid.” For example, “Not make errors? That’s not always possible.”
The first one carries the sentiment that the act of striving to not make errors is somehow stupid or not worth doing when one can just fix/explain them after the fact, which is wrong regardless of whether or not the error can be fixed/explained after the fact because obviously it’s better to not make the error in the first place.
(And because we’ve apparently been talking past each other this whole damn time, I commend you for managing to find a way to turn the info you gave to Cantaloupe into something not directly false, because I and several of your players would have leaped over the table and strangled you if good lost the game because of that. As it is, I’m still scratching my head over how that happened in the first place, but at least the game wasn’t won or lost solely on Storyteller error.)

GGhana should’ve put that one Fabled that allows you to correct mistakes in play

yeah I was getting tilted there, I apologize. That was not what I was trying to get across.

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have you even be reading what i’ve been saying you hobgoblin

thats even worse

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because if I remember correctly, I either woke up, or was using the bathroom when I saw that I was 5 minutes late when Cantaloupe used their question I panicked and didnt think it through.

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