Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

It was honestly a bad play if you keep the undertaker alive; everybody then thinks Magnus is still Spy…when I’m just about positive there is no spy. If Isaac flips Baron, this clears Director.

one sec let me do the odds real quick.

Zero proof on Maxwell right now. All proof I have is there is NO soldier in play.

Nah, I’m tired.

That’s just what people have been saying, don’t blame me.

I mean, we know that isaac is evil and maxwell is probably evil.

To be honest, the lack of coordination actually suggests it’s NOT Maxwell. Isaac and Magnus clearly didn’t coordinate their claims.

Isaac messed up though. To counterclaim the Imp? He’d have to be the Scarlet Woman.

Considering Isaac is Isaac, he probably thought “flipless game” and didn’t account for things such as Undertaker. I’m assuming he thought he could create a thunderdome where “one of us has to be good so i’m confirmed town” with the Demon and SW, so that the demon would always be conftown

Conclusion: Tan, do we get to break out the firework rocket again?

I can understand that part; I can’t understand Magnus not killing me though. He keeps me alive, Isaac is out.

Does Magnus go off the books and claim something in play?

Because eevee was going to defend you. You needed to be out of the picture, but there was a piece overlapping yours

Isaac is likely the Imp
You are going to fucking die tonight

Eevee made it clear he didn’t trust me, so unless he DID and was just baiting…I likely was open. I’m likely to die tonight but I think I should get flip information at least. So hopefully well only have Baron/Spy left (leaning Baron).

I would’ve been convinced eevee was baiting to lower the demon killcount

He likely is. All signs point to Isaac; good theory btw. I honestly didn’t expect Magnus to be OG Imp.

I’m trying to think through the eyes of a demon, and since maxwell tries to play calmly and rationally from what I can tell, it’s not that hard.

So lets assume Isaac is the SW.

Who do we think is the last minion? Or does it not matter if we kill both Imps?

One issue though.

We have 2 outsiders, but demon kills were precise enough for you to suspect spy