Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

isn’t that just a square

How to remember the directions:

N - Always
E - Eat
S - Shredded
W - Italy

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Excuse me wha-

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Oh- sorry. Wrong one.

N - Always
E - Love
S - …
W - Italy!

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So Italy is not demon, okay.

Hasn’t this been discussed a while ago? The only evil I could be is the baron, master of self-bus

I’m really bored and Italy is the only person who will actually talk to me.

I know, I want Wazza to feel bad for spewing it tho.

You could just tell me who the Demon is like I asked :upside_down_face:

Altho I still have no idea why you can’t be like… poisoner.

Wazz is claiming Poisoner

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I am Poisoner.

Because i’m not stupid enough to claim without my bluffs

I acknowledge that most people myself included make the argument ‘I’d be too smart to do this as evil’ but I don’t exactly find it compelling

regardless of alignment

this clause was very important

I’m not gonna claim if I know there’s a highly likely chance i’ll get CCed

So you’re saying that Magnus is your scumbuddy? :eyes:

if there’s 4 of you, and you don’t have bluffs, don’t claim

I personally think Italy is flailing and deflecting. It’s kinda gross.


Quick question, is Marshal the Demon?