Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

I’d estimate a solid 5% for either to be wolfing atm

Not considering it today, if we don’t have a witchfire tommorow then I prob will

aye aye captain crunch

Intensify was the Witch and curses himself with a plan to get himself to lead the Town. What’s so hard about that to understand?

…if this is genuinely the reason, I’m just disappointed you’re in this game.

you’re dead anyway so my read on you doesn’t matter :^)

execute cloned and win the game lads and lattice fries

I can still do things in the game.

You need to read dead players as well you know, they ain’t too different from alive players.



Still isn’t what I want to directly consider

and app’s claim sketches me out

I doubt that barber + politician exist together in the first place and even then I doubt he’d want politician swapped away from himself, that’s ungamer

Eli or PKR are scum.
Marshal is either Drunk (Which would make Intensify or Apprentice scum) or Malfunctioned from Gambler (Which would make PKR good and Eli scum)

I guess i cld be pepegaing but I dont reeaaaaaaally see it

I’m done adding “or minion” to everything because I genuinely cba.

eli was scum too

And how do we know that?

PKR could easily be as much of scum as Eli could’ve, if not more based on his interactions with people.

The only things we got to go on is thin pieces of thread holding us all up.

Technically, this game is probably solvable already

watch me have the god reads this game
then you’ll all be sorry you made fun of me

You’re already messing up by choosing me.

Why would I be dead right now if Eli is scum?

it’s a little thing called s o c i a l d e d u c t i o n

maybe you’ve heard of it :^)

Marl, you have to account the hosts into everything.


Broke: Im gambler drunk from philo PKR
Woke: Im drunk and one of intensify/app is evil
Coke: I’m drunk, baron exists, and there’s a hidden saint somewhere in this school

If Eli is Scum, why would the hosts feel the need to kill me (Who would be Scum in your eyes)