Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

The hosts pick who Scum kills every night.

that’s dumb

Just how the setup works.

Have you even read the setup? Or even the Day Announcements? Or hell literally anything?

i read the roles once

look they took out gorta of all people cut them some slack I think it works in our favor

So Marshal, are you saying I was assassinated?

probably, yes

I don’t see assasin going for gorta

first game it didn’t matter because i could just obvtown and get town a free win

this game it doens’t matter because i cannot perish

The only worlds you’re wolf is where i’m wrong on this assumption, which are probably thin but not 0

so wait
if we yeetus the demon we win right

Then why did they kill me?

If we yeet the Minion who “Is The Demon”

can they put the lil monsta on a villager or only scum

They can pick anyone they want.

But the player is informed so they can just out to everyone that they “Are The Demon”, be executed and then Town win.

They don’t if you’re wolf, most likely, unless you specifically talked it out (but I don’t see assasinating a wolf particularly likely because it’s a strongman)

but what if they put it on me

Marshal, if I’m Wolf, that would mean, in your eyes, you’re either Drunk and 1 wolf is dead or 2 wolves are dead.

Then you would out that if you were Town so we can execute you…?

I’m fool and I CANT DIE

but i digress