Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

Confused Jane noises

i haven’t had an ability in either reroll so i have no idea what i’m talking about

also how is this a reactiontest
it was right to question my actions because i should have 3

So they essentially malfunction 2 people D1?

i think it malfunctions someone n1 only, then after that it’s just the days
i really don’t know for sure though

Sailor, in the traditional game, always submits their actioon first, and host at that moment decides which between them is drunk.

If host decides after there’s unwanted modbias in the decision so sailor acts during day on all phases besides n1, because he cant, and instead hosts kinda just take the L

That’s… why tf?

Delete BotF

It has to be done.

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why does it say until dusk then

I acted like canta was your N2 which wasn’t the case, in an attempt to epically catch you

you in fact did claim it wass your N2 and that you had only 2 actions, which was varifiably false, because im god, joy cat

It only takes effect during night, but is submitted during the day to be “first”

reject botf
return to mafoa

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Dw I would’ve dunked you anyway

the reason why i’m especially salty was because it wasn’t even him saying ‘Do nightingale’
he said hmmm ‘if x happens then do eli, otherwise i will do nightingale’

i thought this was just him speaking out loud and was going to submit an action later

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Who’s alive


PKR is always mech above app for me because if app is good PKR always is too

Canta I could… seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

It’s a weird world where intensify selfcursed night 1 but it’s possible as wazza said

Although if Canta is wolf, PKR also could be (because drunk would be back in the mix) but cant also definitely carries monsta

Marl has been, like, very villagery today? And has the whole fool game thing, if there is a death tonight that’s not from PKR we can elimmo marl as a type of “no-exe” but if there’s another minion alive and we do this we just lose so eh

App i’ll GetBackToLater because it’s 9 am and I went to sleep at 3am and im too tired to really soak up the facts and logic on his slot. I’m going to live in fantasy world where hes town for now

Night i… liked earlier, I thought she had a really good d2 personally but I don’t honestly have that much that specifically inclines me to take her higher or out of PoE. Nothing super clearing and I agree with the points in that she’s not really playing this like a CL to win.

Arctic I think is the single likeliest wolf but hasn’t had a super terrible day (besides claiming the 2-action sailor things I think that’s very bad but NOT lock stuff I’ve seen far far more pepega things come from town) so, like, the mans cld be town

I’m at like


App is asterixed in that I have not read his posts and just want him to be town

i believe arctic with every fiber of my being

I think we should kill arctic

my rationale is along the lines of "If he’s sailor and good is doing bad and we’ve only got 1 tan might have been nice and made canta drunk and if arctic’s IC this game should be ez solve because we’ll get 2 more eliminations and can take him out of PoE

If intensify is evil I think he’s the only dead evil
