Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

the question is still which one of them has the monster
i think before PKR was outted he was trying to save apprentice
now he’s been outted he’s been saying to kill him instead of apprentice really deliberately
which could mean it actually is him, since we’d never listen to him


of course

do you think pkr is a wolf too avatar marshal

I think it’s like 80% with app as the monsta in PKR wolf worlds

I’m honestly just really bored of you trying to do this when I think you’re scum.
That’s why I’ve been playing along with it.

My order of the 4 of us in lynch order would be Night/You > Me > App

jokes on you i dont even like wine

I’m at like 50/50 atm

probably PKR himself around 35-40% wolf because of the worlds where apprentice is evil and PKR is good still

well yes that would win you the game wouldn’t it lol

I’m already whispering to Marl. Somewhat.
I’m gonna whisper to everyone that’s not Arctic.

And if you deny me, you’re not gamer

What i find likelier is that PKR started defending monsta!app and instead of backing off he levelled himself into keeping it up because he’d think it’s too sus to back off of defending him now

i think we still kill apprentice because before he was outted he was trying to save apprentice

now he’s gone into antispew whatever he says is just wifom

although honestly i still probably (?) kill arctic over apprentice

buttttttttt eh

apprentice is politician claim so it’s not like
he’ll really be missed

/Whisper Marshal
Talk to me non-able gambler Marsh


marshal i think it’s just pkr lol

Because I want to irritate Arctic a bit

if PKR is evil apprentice is mechanically always evil

not good enough

I have a big secret to tell you.
Pls Marshal
