Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

question is are you all going to pussy out

Déjà Vu


You did this last game.
Surely you can see them trying to do it this one!

I’m trying to think of any mechanical information that doesn’t make sense

PKR can you go back to lolcatting i think i preferred that

If you’re trying to get a cheap win, I have to stop you

claiming politician as saint this far into the game never happens omegalul

that’s extremely pepega

what did you whisper to apprentice earlier

You’re imagining it.

A great way to confirm this… is to have everyone nominate… but are people willing to risk it becoming F4 and make it turn into lylo

No reason to have everyone nominate when we have 2 “can’t die” class claims

We could use one of those to dodge a kill and get another one

Ok let’s see…
6 people alive… nvm we could confirm existence of Witch

i’m imagining this?

Witch isn’t nominating Arc or Fool like bruh




You’ve lost and you don’t even know it yet.
For I have the heart of the cards

good news
PKR has returned to lolcatting

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