Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

Arctic, are you actually drunk?
Please, just answer me straight.
I don’t want to mess around.

stop trying to gaslight me nerd

I have a tiny feeling App is Saint… last time he claimed Politician he was Barber : |

If App is saint, I’m going to backhand Night and Arctic.

he said he was memeing last time but didn’t this time

do you guys really think apprentice would claim politician as politician
i don’t think apprentice is spy
i think he did it as a meme claim and then stuck with it once there was no 2nd outsider cc

he also would have gotten grim from eli if eli is spy

Ok then, what is App in your perspective?

i think eli was witch
pkr is spy
apprentice is assassin


I would believe his Politician claim.

He’s said before “Politician is literally a character that wins with both sides so it doesn’t matter who wins”

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We’re nominating app

Doesn’t mean he’s real, but it’s a believable enough reason

Thank you have a wonderful day

If App reveals as saint, we have our team I think

i’m curious to see what eli does with his vote

If he reveals as Saint I’m stabbing him

Last game he told me he never claims as politician

Because then it’d make full sense that Arctic and Night are trying to push Saint exe

he will claim saint
that’s probably what they were whispering about earlier

there’s no fucking way the guy is saint lmao