Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

Why is PKR 100% cleared if there’s a witch again?

I thought we concluded he could only be witch

PKR your perspective is flawed
you are being opportunistic trying to get intensify to vote night because you know he won’t vote me

we can’t be T/T because you and app are W/W or T/T

Because he can’t be Assassin through Preacher targetting him

So if he can be witch… and there’s a witch kill… what does that confirm him

Why can me and App not be T/W.
I’m not saying it’s an impossible thing.

No he can’t be Witch if there’s a Witch kill cause Preacher

He could only be Spy…

No that’s not possible cause the Gambler thing

because you being town means marshal isn’t drunk and apprentice is second outsider

you being wolf means marshal is drunk and so apprentie isn’t 2nd outsider

App and PKR can only be W/W or T/T (fmpov W/W but yeah)

Can’t someone else be Drunk if App is fake then?

But of course Arctic seems to refuse that :\

i mean i guess so?

if PKR is wolf, then app has to be his partner, because app is claiming 2nd outsider and that’s the only way I’m not drunk.

If app is wolf, then PKR has to be wolf because I’m drunk and PKR gambled me as Gambler.
OR well

someone else coulllllllld be drunk

the bottom line is
apprentice is 100% holding if he’s wolf so this game is solved by today’s lynch on apprentice

Why are we heavily assuming Marshal has to be the Drunk is App is wolf?

If me and Arctic are T/T, I’m taking you into DMs Arctic and we’re working out each others’ towntells, scumtells and in general just bonding.

Cause I feel we’re gonna be mad at each other.

I guess I don’t


Witch test or not Witch test still guys?

Also wait

don’t abilities stop working if someone’s dead

or does preacher persist past death