Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

oh no did i breach subcategory 12 section b of the opening stating that talking back to Tangy nets you an immediate modkill and forum suspension


Fomenting revolution, are we? I mean, you’re free to nominate and execute the Storyteller at any time… just like you’re free to instantly cause an evil win by doing so.

SCP 1035 - “The OP”

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i wonder if fool can survive a modkill

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(this is a joke)

any time
this includes even when nominations are closed

/nominate Tangeld :joy_cat: :joy_cat:

Thanks you gave me a great idea for a role

Clever one… I’ll have to be careful with my words around you.

It should go without saying that this nomination is not actually valid, because nomination phase has closed.

This is ungaming.

This is an Athiest game isn’t it!

N o r e l i g i o n

more like Nora-ligion

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You are not completely forgiven for hating on Bohemian Rhapsody earlier, but this is a strong step in the right direction.

I love the song but skip over that part because of my crippling fear of lightning and thundder

I’ve had to avoid imagine dragons for years over this tan, please understand

I was lightning, before the thunder, thunder thunder thunder, thunder, thunder, th-th-thunder

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I’m totally not listening to imagine dragons rn.
I feel sorry for you tho :frowning:

dw i’m meming

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:cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: :cloud_with_lightning:

Seriously, what happened to @EliThePsycho

He’s about to get executed while he’s AFK