Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

Well I would… okay that’s a lie since I’d forget, but I can’t do it anyway

…Not entirely sure if this is what’s being requested, Cantaloupe, but the post this replies to has a list of everyone who’s been nominated today, and a couple posts below it has the time that Day 1 ends.

ah yes this is exactly what i was looking for. ty

Cheers, then.

Tomorrow on the Pigeon show

I will ISO Eli and look for spew, assuming I don’t forget this post

bold of you to assume that there is spew in a game where it’s deathless and flipless

can i also get a votecount?

Very few votes are locked right now, but the cast votes include five executes on Eli, four executes on Marl, and one each for the others. Six votes are the minimum needed to execute.

who are the players that voted execute? (regardless if it’s locked or not)

sigh This is always such a pain…

On Marl: Eli, Marshal, Marl, Pigeon
On Pigeon: Marl
On PKR: Marl
On Eli: Eli, Marshal, Marl, PKR, Pigeon
On Gorta: Marl


See, I could just post a screencap of the votecount tracker I have in the grimoire (it’s completely divorced from any mention of anyone’s characters), but that also shows who nominated whom, and that’s info I refuse to compile for the players due to the presence of Town Crier on the script (this practice dates back to BotF II, which featured both Town Crier and Flowergirl, a character who detects each night if the Demon voted to execute anyone. If Flowergirl were on this script, I would have refused your request to compile records of who voted for that reason).

sorry. i typically play games where VCs are regularly posted by hosts

I don’t think it’s unreasonable of you to want this info. But when it relates to the ability of a character on the script, part of that ability’s design is that the Storyteller is under no obligation to provide a recap of the relevant information (because the Town Crier/Flowergirl is expected to keep track of that themselves if they exist). It’s also why scripts with Town Crier/Flowergirl on them will see players attempting to regulate who nominates/votes, because that controls the information that those characters receive and makes it easier to track and process.

But enough of my rambling on Clocktower strategy… Do you wish to cast any votes at this time?

Reminder that the day ends in a little over twelve hours. There are few feelings worse than having your vote silenced by the EoD.

Fascinating. Does Eli and Marl lockvote themselves first or last?

The nominated player’s vote on themselves is always the last one to lock. The first vote to lock on any given nomination is the first player clockwise after the nominee (in this case, down the playerlist).

/hands up marl
/hands down pidgeon
/hands down PKR
/hands up Eli
/hands down gorta

Oh my god, thank you for doing these in the order the players were nominated, this saves me those few seconds of having to jump between here and the grimoire sheet to make sure I didn’t misread the order in which the votes were posted. This isn’t even sarcasm, that makes my day slightly better.

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Pigeon/Marshal are likely w/w pushing Marl
Eli was either influenced by Pidgeon, or is also a suspect.
This will later be looked into.

Not enough information PKR and Gorta to be worth looking into. Abstaining.

Seeing as Eli is being pushed by Marshal and Pigeon, they probably aren’t evil.

/pardon Marl
/execute Pigeon
(Abstaining PKR)
/pardon Eli
(Abstaining Gorta)