Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

you know it

imagine actually trying to hecking hide the role that you are

Mass claim day 1
this is the way

this is an fol right

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(What if i’m not a fool and i’ve just played you ALL for fools? then you would be the fool :relieved: )

close enough
it’s like an FoL but they removed all the game-breaking investigative roles and voting is objectively better


A respectable opinion



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whats ur read on marshal

look at me im being proactive uwu

A bit less than 4 hours left on votes! Get them in soon, or risk never getting them in!

Can I buy ghost votes

No, and you may not beg for them either. It’s unseemly.

Also for context.

Executing Pigeon, Marl or Eli is viable here, granted if we don’t have any better option

Hold up I’m a fucking genius just gotta ask Tan something

AAA I’m on a time crunch, be quick about it!


Okay, I go bye. Amelia, stop these clowns from saying gamer words until EoD.

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Creep Score


It didn’t even take you a minute to start saying the gamer words

Gaming gaming.

4 people haven’t claimed to me still