Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

I select at day but Tan just replaced the word “night” with “day” because Sailor action gets processed immediately once night begins

It isn’t, it literally specifies “You act on the first night”, why would it do that? It doesn’t specify for other classes.

well that’s a bit dumb.

Well, if it starts at night then if Nightingale isn’t malfunctioning right now, then you die anyway! But if they are, then you will survive this even if you select a target right now.


Aight gotcha.

So you or Nightingale is malfunctioning right now.

Then…we kill you anyway.

I’d rather execute Cloned right now over Pigeon tbh


I’m cool with that as well tbh

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Should I just lockvote execute Cloned?

I can’t believe Intensify didn’t like this post


If they want to get eaten they really need up to thier game by becoming rainbow or some crap and shining everywhere to attract animals

Not sure, might as well but I want to know when voting ends

/pardon Pigeon
/pardon Wazza
/execute Cheese

I have eaten 1/2 of an apple today
I’m not sure if I would have eaten more if they were rainbow and shining everywhere

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bottom line is that both Pidgeon and Cheese exe’s are strictly not bad
but I don’t know which one to pick

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Intensify good
me follow intensify

with our combined strength the wolves will be B O X E D I N

:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:
:joy_cat: :pensive: :joy_cat:
:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:

I want to clear Intensify but nah

Give me a good reason