Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)


I don’t think this is super likely

but I can’t
rule it out

But what if you’ve been attacked before.

Why would Minions allow 2 of them dead?

That just forces one of them into permanent “I’m Demon Lol”

this is definitely the worst post you’ve made this game
ask yourself
in what universe do i get attacked this game


I’m not saying you’ve been attacked before.

But the hosts are pricks, they can attack who they want.

Technically speaking, to avoid a nightkill, hosts can just force the kill onto you.

Why does intensify immediately kill himself putting wolves at a disadvantage?

it’s the same thing

and I don’t regard eli as lock wolf

wait but the hosts know i can’t die


Yeah, and they can attack you. Doesn’t mean you’ll die.

I still feel like Pigeon exe is best.

If we exe Pigeon tomorrow, hosts will know we’re trying to kill him to confirm him as Town or not then more than likely make him malfunction.


Did you claim to Intensify in whispers at any point?

exe cheese and winnerino

I’m dead, I’m not exe’ing Cheese.

Why do you expect to win from exe’ing Cheese anyway?

because intensify thinks he has the baby monsta

Why are you blindly believing Intensify?

do i need to post it again
