Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

It wasn’t a buss?

I was the one who mentioned Eli claiming Philo into Chef in my whispers

There cannot be 2 people seeing the grimoire.
Only 1 role does that.


it’s also within the realm of possibility that PKR claimed gambler without realizing I was gambler, and backtracked into claiming philo to not thunderdome me but stepped on eli’s toes

oh ok
when i ISO’ed PKR i saw him saying eli counterclaimed philo so i assumed that was what happened

or, well, drunk gambler, but still can’t spawn with real gambler

So PKR is not the Spy

Well no I mentioned it first

Correct! I’m the Philosopher


As soon as Eli was outted to also have claimed Philosopher in thread I gave them no mercy.
Because I knew it was a fakeclaim.

Hmm I don’t believe it’s Arc at all.

Pigeon was towny as hell

read this intensify
it makes much more sense to swap town crier if no minions nominated, because like
that’s 5 free clears if you don’t

I thought Pigeon was towny.
But turns out with Arctic being like that, I might’ve been mistaken.

We haven’t done many games with pigeon.
They’re able to fake tone due to it.

This is app’s first whisper

politician claim came after

Pretty sure this means one of eli/app has to be spy who saw me as drunk and used this opportunity to claim outsider

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Arctic, I’m gonna say this now, but if you are genuinely town.
We’ve got to talk.

Hmm… this is quite troublesome

it could be app/night and you guys are pepegas

thats the funniest universe

(After this game, the talk works too. But we need to make sure that we don’t ever mistake each other like this ever again if you’re actually inno)

i mean
app is still holding there so

yeah I think we can rule out night holding