Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

give me a reaons why you think I’m scummy

I’m basing this on App’s comment for the moment.

Again, based on App’s appraisal and obviously evil wants the Saint to die.

In my readings before I passed out I thought it was like 80% App/PKR 20% Arctic/Night (the numbers based off of a few things, including that PKR was wolfy asf today, Pigeons treatment of Eli slot was pretty villagery regardless of Eli’s alignment, and night had good posting before today)

I don’t have time to get into this. And you were just 3rd in line for App. Really the priority should be Arctic.

bold of you to assume that i’m guranteed scum
or are you referring to cheese

I’m not assuming you’re wolf, I’m saying that no matter your alignment I like pigeons handling of your slot

i’m reffering to the scum chances

Okay so

I think whys just has to be wolf
If she’s town there’s no way we win

So who is her partner between PKR/Night

Is it
Just PKR
Or is night within the realm of possibility

The scum chances (before whyspers claim) were like 80-20 in favor of App Slot being wolf (which would include you)

I’m at like 95/5 at this point

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i see

I’m going to go back to sleep but I think politician to saint claim is ~Never real For how app handled it

And if the slot is evil it’s basically always holding and if we execute likely partners instead we lose that chance of ending it here

I think we just yeet app slot and say yolo

If arctic is wolfing he’s just a madman

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So you say you think this slot is wolf. Then who are the Outsiders? What are the claims for that?

Drunk would exist
and they would not know they are drunk
meaning a scum claiming the sole outsider would look convincing for the exact argument you are using now

So are you thinking App was really a Politician who sided with evil? Or you think he was an evil claiming Politician for some reason?

no i think you’re one of spy/witch/assassin

Then who are the Outsiders?

And your guess on that? Who has had an ability malfunction likely?

one of the gambler claims i assume

So there were 2 Gambler claims? Who were they?