Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

he’s right you know

Haha and actually you’ll find out I’m Whysper the patron Saint of whispers. :slight_smile:

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(@Tangeld @Amelia )

And I’m PKR The Witch with a capital B.
Who’s also a Philosopher who is having an existential crisis or something

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ok all things aside this is a great line

alright carry on

who’d you curse

was it me

Me (Blocked)

I come back to this insanity…

Welcome to the circus!

what is even going on?

Whysper is holding strong.
I am giving up.
Town’s about to lose because people decided we’re gonna execute the Saint.

PKR gave up and openwolfed.

I uh but did he?

I still stand by my Philo Gambler claim

execute whysper and go back to pretending this game doesn’t exist

there is no way to save Whysper from his point of view, so why keep up a bogus claim?

game ends on the whysper yeet today one way or another

Because lol PKR or something

I didn’t vote to execute Whysper if Whysper is saint, so it’s not my fault we screwed up if that’s the case

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