Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

Can you vote Arctic so town has a chance at winning?

what will that do if Whyper has more votes?

that is actively throwing

scum ghost can still vote ya dongle

But maybe I can get some others to realise the truth

i dont care if you dont vote whysper but if you dont vote whysper dont vote anyone or you’re actively giving the scum an out

voting is for chumps at this point

go back to sleep samurai

I don’t want that on me

gorta PKR literally claimed witch and openwolfed, which means marshal is the drunk and so whysper can’t be second outsider :joy_cat:

Whisper Gorta

but why keep up the gambler claim?

gorta if you dont vote whysper
you dont get any blame if we lose
but you also dont get any cred when we win

do you accept these terms


he’s trying to get gorta to execute me lmaoo

he is in wifom antispew mode ignore him
he is just causing chaos

gorta is a tree but he isn’t dumb
i hope

fine by me

he’s been flailing, check his ISO and mine

he lied about me saying nightingale was an obvious villager and he TMI’ed me as town by saying he “knows we’re opposite alignments”

Dude you already broke the whisper.
Being on mobile sucks