Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

At least I said what I had to.
I know this isn’t your fault Gorta.

I am legitimately lost right now

continue being lost but just dont give scum the votes they need to win the game

literally if you dont wanna vote whysper you can just put the game on mute and i’ll ping you when we win

PKR is claiming wolf but he’s saying it’s a joke

it’s basically WiFoMing being mafia and actively saying he’s trying to sabotage thread because he doesn’t think he can win

I don’t think it ever comes from town even if it theoretically could

pkr aint town
of this i am certain

as a side note for context i found town pkr in like 10 posts last rand

now we have 4,000 and i’m still like “nope not town yet”

Let’s see if you can recover from your broken streak Marl

I’m going to try and get a few hours of sleep I guess

what streak

i lost quantum mafia

The streak of getting me correct
(And wins I guess too)

oh right i forgot to mention app whyspered me asking if i was spy witch or assassin

i didn’t even realize all three of those were scum until now


probably should have brought that up earlier

New Blue Lock chapter was lit.

Which votes are :lock:'d?

none yet

do dead players count in the order to lock votes?

i think PKR and marl’s votes are locked