Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

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By request of Wazza:
I targeted Nightingale last night. Wanted to switch to App but it was too late.
Also, /accept @Apprentice

I didn’t tell you to target Nightingale…?

well im town so i know personally that at least one of them is town :joy_cat:

You didn’t say anything about who I should have targeted? (App didn’t respond so RIP whisper)

exe’ing cloned is ~okay
id probably need to read more though

Oohhhh right.

I requested for you to say your target publicly.

My bad, I thought you were saying I told you to target Nightingale and I was like ???

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Anyway, I’m veto’ing any Nightingale execution.

We need this Witch dead.

Before we nominate clonedtrees, lemme ping @clonedcheese to actually come here

Unless I’m Drunk, Nightingale is confirmed not Witch.

What are you? Investigator?

Watcha think I am?

A role that can confirm that one player isn’t a Witch one night and a player isn’t the Demon the other.

I have suspicions on Cloned based on a couple of mechanical and logical facts…

Are you trying to say you CC Gambler?

Wait Wazza is Gambler?

Idk what Wazza means with “confirm someone as not the Demon”


Come om

Gambler can’t target N1 can they?

So that’s a nope.