Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

I was honestly a pretty powerful role if you ask me.

Unfortunately I’m dead, should’ve expected it, although I’m curious why Tan felt the need to kill me if I was killed by the Demon or why the Assassin felt like killing me.

It was night 2 yesterday and you died : |

Being vague isn’t going to get us anywhere

sips louder

come on, you guys.

Ok nvm that.

As long as we can confirm Wazza died to Assasin or Gorta did, I have reasons to believe Cloned is big sus

well one of us died to Assassin.

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Can you guys… undie to Assassin smh

sure one sec let me just put my blood back inside of me.

Anyway so there’s no Baron in this game, 100%.

Meaning we have Spy/Witch/Assassin combo which is why I died!

Nightingale is confirmed not Spy and Witch.

Shouldn’t you just… claim already?

wtf do you think I am?

I’m Preacher.

Preacher can confirm people?

N1 I targeted Nightingale, which is why they can’t be Spy because the Spy had to see the grimoire to target me and can’t be Witch since Witch killed someone.
N2 I targeted PKR, which is why they can’t be the Deminion since a player died to the Demon and they can’t be the Assassin since Assassin killed someone.

This is contradicted if I am the Drunk, which I wouldn’t put past my sis because my sister is funny.

I bypass occupy immunity completely on Minions, I make it so they never wake up that night, I act first.

Wot… spy doesn’t target?

Spy has to tell either the Deminion that I’m the Preacher or be the Deminion themself.

Meaning, they wouldn’t target me if they were Spy since what was the point? Socially I’m not strong.
Not to mention, Minions wouldn’t force their spy to be the Deminion if they never checked the Grimoire at all.

This is based on assumptions ofc, but I’m positive about it.

This is assuming you died to Assassin correct?

@apprentice You whispered me after I broke the whisper. Get back here!

hi hello
what up