Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

Wait but how are you sure there’s no Baron?

Hi! We just would like you online for now. Please tell the world your claim

oh /whisper pigeon


can someone else than pigeon tell me if this is a good idea
i like to vet my sources

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Can someone else tell you what’s a good idea?

what im getting:
we have a 7/1/3 by default

the missing minion is not assassin
most likely it’s not baron either

which means we get 5/3/3

me claiming

spy registers as good

or rather, as non-minion

Why would it need to be?

Hm? Does that matter?

Yes, because Spy can register as non-minion using their ability and escape the grasp of the Preacher

i mean
what roles can kill

But…what does it matter if I died to Assassin?

Because Host chooses what lil monsta kills and you know… host know literally everything… so Spy doesn’t need to screw around and inform demon of best nightkill

…are their any death invest roles?

But then that would mean Eli is 100% Minion since the hosts felt the need to give Minions an advantage.

Lil’ Monsta Minion can literally kill themself.

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(And yes, this ends the game)