Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

You seem to just not like playing with him, but people stay in-game while dead

I’ve played with marshal as both alignments and I they’re fully capable of faking everything they’ve put in thread so far
They could easily be a villager succumbing to thrdeadstate, I think they’ll be more useful confirmed as an alignment than not


Now Tan can’t post ever again



Please post just to shut pigeon up.

ty :^)

Nominations are now closed, and the voting shall now begin! Our outstanding nominees are…



and Pigeon!

The Day will end at precisely 2021-02-22T14:30:00Z! Have fun voting!


Pardon Wazza

Amelia had to post it to keep it at 69. Duh

Ye pardon Wazza
Anyone who executes Wazza is scum

/pardon Wazza
/pardon thepigeonnyc
Not comfortable lockvoting clonedcheese yet

I feel pardoned.

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/Pardon Wazza

This is the one I’m fine with.
I would execute you due to you screwing with me and trying to get me to kill myself last night.
But it’s just so -EV that I cannot

Wazza is dead so if you exe them then you’re clearly scum baiting for no execution

I’m having an panic attack right now so I’m going to not make any impulsive decisions
b y e

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/pardon cheese
/pardon wazza
/execute Pigeon

look i only nominated her because i thought she was still living and wolfing
turns out she’s just wolfing from beyond the grave

Care to explain?

Intensify says cheese town
Intensify towny

Intensify says Cheese scum


I now say Marl is lock scum for this. Faking stuff