[Canned by Popular Demand] Bastardized Camelot

I’m guessing if one more player signs up pretty soon, this will be my first official FoL game. I just want to know how the night phases work.


Lol no, this isnt a FoL game :wink:

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This is FM = Forum Mafia

FoL = Forum of Lies (Classic Throne of Lies on forum)

a moderator locks the thread so no one can post. scum have a combined PM night chat or they use a discord server. then you submit actions through your class card and the host/co-host will process them.

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FMs are good practice for Special FoL matches though

How do we get our class cards?

I send them via DM on forum

the host will whisper them to you when the game starts

btw we totally call DMs whispers here

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Celeste will post your card on the thread.


Why do all the newbies first game have Some kind of bastard mechanic in them

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what bastard mechanic? what are bastard mechanics? there are no bastard mechanics here

kills M


Bastard mechanics have been removed

Trust me folks


Ok @Margaret you win

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But Im only doing it for the cookies

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Thank you…

yay full game

start rolling classes celeste

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Now you dont have to kill me n1 in Firekitten’s game :smiley:

