[Canned by Popular Demand] Bastardized Camelot

K so this shall be fun :smiley:


Yay exited

@MaximusPrime Check Discord

Is the bastard that Celeste Will handpick the files And assign the Boring ones to the annoying people? :thinking:

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tbh after my game. Ima go actually make class cards instead of rushing through…this was a test run.

You mean as in static class cards? Because I think its more fun with the random abilities, you can’t really tell what kind of roles are and aren’t in that game.


But I rushed through it when it was suppose to start at 9 pm cause I got excited

I guess we’re not gonna find out what a traitor does until the game starts?

btw are there conversions in this game? or is that a secret

…also where is my cookie you promised me a cookie

Converisons are in this game.

You can tell by the CONVERISION IMMUNE CARDS. Lul

I just g̶o̶t̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶c̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶o̶ willingly joined this game I haven’t had enough time to read all class cards in detail.

You never figure out what the traitor is till they flip :wink:

Classes just finished rolling, checking to make sure its somewhat balanced

Balance is for newbies

It’s more like 15.5 / 16

Sam17z = .5


I call all of this rigged

Nah… i actually rolled stuff

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