[Canned by Popular Demand] Bastardized Camelot

Also she don’t have a reason to lie as well. It work in both sides.

The only one who is doubting about us is you. :woman_shrugging:

Then it is simple. Merlin can mark me and force me to reveal my class, which I have.

I believe Merlin has better targets to look at as well however. I understand your suspicion, but there is no scum team now. (Unless Bastard Mechanics)

I trust Shurian more, tbh since she claims to be a class that can be conversion immune. And scum usually do pretty dodgy actions to get what they want, including converting a protective neutral. I’m not doubting Twil1ight, I’m just concerned if she’ll turn.

You’re also not conversion immune… so same thing is with you.
But if Traitor would decide to convert me…

Was going to ask why you can see me as conversion immune, until I saw that there is a party hat there.

After all, the class card sent together with me had “conversion immune” tagged below it.

Not paying attention to icons Bad Durian!

Shurian and Twi1light (If you’re not converted by the day it happens), I trust you that you’ll give me information on a Traitorous scum when the 3rd day arrives. My passive gives me the motivation to keep you guys alive.

Wait. What? We get information?

I have an investigative abillity as Spiritus lol.

I never saw cheeky King Arthur… gives town an advantage and an incentive to kill us…


Just let me do my thing D:<

Then you would have been lynched…

Welp i’m hoping better future for us.

I really hope the Traitor isn’t cruel enough to kill such perfect Neutrals :3.

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What kind of bastard mechanics even exist in this game… I shudder to think.
Hopefully Celeste allows me to strip down some of the mechanics… Enough to do so…

Nope, I’m against lynching neutrals. Wagon PKR with me.

Do not fret for there are 20 Possible Unique bastard mechanics that can happen Day One… and it increases by 50 each day :wink:

Then… You guys need me… Those demons seem troublesome. If the demons force people to kill people… OnO.

I don’t even know how many demons are there. Imma gather everything up and burn them all up in an exorcism.

Maybe the demons are causing all the bastard mechanics to occur?

If my flavour text isn’t bastard. That is.