[Canned by Popular Demand] Bastardized Camelot

because it happened right near EoD yesterday iirc


Htm used a ability which called upon Rngeus

Wait, the traitor can convert people?

Which he did

well shit it makes sense there’s only one evil on the role list now

What I can do at night is protect people from negative effects and resurrect two townies.


orangeandblackknight5 when?

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Resurrect eeevee and orange

AYY Bring Orange back

You know

Htm did it

Not a demon

i don’t really know, it just a guess, all i know is nk did the kill last night

And you can’t be efected by any abillities?
Totally not broken…

Well, I thought I would be dead, but bastard mechanics brought me back.

btw there is 2 or more secret class that has not yet reveal, also protection would be appreciate


Bastard mechanics killed you, bastard mechanics brought you back :thinking:

yeah you definately have one of the demons shurian’s looking for

@Shurian Purge him!

What if it kills him though

Bastard goes away from him

He loses his life D;

I have more news for everyone

I used a day ability where I can see which class was converted on a previous night and I found out nobody was converted.