[Canned by Popular Demand] Bastardized Camelot

Last night nobody was converted?
That’s good news at least

So only 1 traitor is likely then
So let’s turbo lynch pug as soon as i become king omegalul

Yep, easy win for us :slight_smile:

Btw, I guess I had a demon inside me, but it went away when I died.

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Do you know who it escaped to?

Turbo lynch pug?
Did I miss a reason?
Also, it’s not that bad then. Could’ve been worse.
I think demon check should be on you jic

Yeah, someone got a guilty check on pug apparently

I was healed btw thanks. Also, should I claim if I had an ability that can confirm myself?

I have no clue

Wait you were attacked?

Not yet, we have a guilty check and the king election is currently going on
Let’s focus on those two things first

he cannot be target by ability, rip shurian

Psycho was hit by a present that made him bleed yeserday.

Ok i get it. Did anyone was occupied?


Cookies are my nightmare

Too good :frowning:

@PoisonedSquid Tell us honestly - Are you convert immune now? Like are you permanently confirmed town now?

I was bleeding

I would lie if I was Convert immune or not.

It doesn’t hurt town unless you get converted and then it helps you

hey it you need more info just ask me, also guard me tonight would be really good!