[Canned by Popular Demand] Bastardized Camelot

Haikus you must speak
Or else I will Mod-Kill you
Blame Night and Twil1ght


What did I miss here.

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A shame this didn’t win :thinking:

(Hey buddy, aren’t ya dead by any chance? :thinking: )

Oh I am dead, yes.
Confess my love, I cannot
So I shall pass on


Sorry I don’t do haikus. How many syllables are haikus?


That is not a poem
In which you have to speak from
Stick with the rules, scum

I am the co host -_-
I hate Night for wishing this
And Twi for choosing

I have a good plan
Since Town is certain to fall
Let the NK win

But that was wish five(I believe)
Seven syllable sentence
Five syllables here

We have to let him
Kill all the Town and Traitors
Within his own pace

There are 12 hours left in the day unless yall execute someone.

As the sky turns blue,
Blood pours from the clouds of hell,
With this mechanic, death.

The haiku you left
Small, subtle, and undefined
Is quite important

Make this day over
For we might as well risk it
Execute Sir Pug

Sorry guys but 500+ messages is too much.
Gonna stop joining fms for a while, maybe 1 or 2 max, idk


Wait in line buckko, me first you second.

@Margaret you want to can this game?

Lol not unless I get
Permission from all whom play
My dood died first year

Okay so Celeste

Sam is blackmailing me

And this isn’t a haiku just letting you know