[Canned by Popular Demand] Bastardized Camelot

  • Keep ze game going
  • Drop ze game and leak everything

0 voters

My job was to get this game canned

Sorry just business

If you want to save the secrets for a Camelot 2 then save the secrets.

I vote Drop the ze and keep the secrets for Camelot 2.


3 or more demons located. Now I can safely transfer onto Kitten’s dead corpse.

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TBH I am sooo confused so I’m voting to drop ze game and make another one

  • Keep the Game
  • Can the Game without revealing secrets for Camelot 2
  • Can the game with revealing secrets

0 voters

Keep the secrets for Camelot 2!

Camelot 2 would probably be non-bastard l0l

But the spectators will know. :thinking:


Since this set up seems more even without bastard xD

Scum will know too

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Wait why is this being canned ._.

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I dunno…

Everything is being canned tbh

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Its mainly cuz people are so inactive

poke em, the bums.

When is the FOL 14 starting up?

Probably after SFOL21
Maybe not until the end of the tournament
It depends

nah, too many FM.