[Canned by Popular Demand] Bastardized Camelot

What website did you use to roll it :thinking:

I did have to add in the traitor and King arthur by hand since no one rolled it

Wheel decider

Wheel Decide is the best randomizer

why did I use a rng generator ;.c


Eats all of the cookies

Eats the fried egg because there are no cookies left

I am 100% town cuz I just used wheel decider with: 4 scum 1 town and I rolled town 5 of the 5 times :confused:

@Margaret whats taking so long…

its not like I took this long (Actually I did)

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Im going im going gosh


Scum gets first FK Confirmed scum!!!1!1!1!1

Nah im just going in order

Enemy within part 2? A secret faction?

LOL im not that bad

Ill tell u that 100%… There isnt a secret faction for now… HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA (Probably not)

Ok let’s do it.

I’m ready to do this!

Who’s the king!