[Canned by Popular Demand] Bastardized Camelot

However u know what the Traitor is soo yeah definitely cant


I need someone to lead town for this game to go well ;(

Glad to see someone forgot me…

Its not that I forgot you… its just that marl makes game much harder for scum

Don’t worry

I shall lead Doom this place!

I’m letting newer people have a chance to join first, i’ll swap to /join if you cant find enough members


But u do know that i legitimately said as long as sign-up period still going that anyone can join… right?

Just join celeste said she can expand it for more ppl

What is the benefit of using off set rather than nature’s healing. Nature’s is clearly better

Its obviously a filler ability

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No idea what you mean

Something tells me when the bastard mechanics kick in at least one person will replace out :thinking:

wtf is a filler ability dude

Sam if you think someone’s evil partially heal them

Then heal them if they prove the self

How about… I rekt yall with some drugs.

Welp I got owned there’s no comeback to that

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Who’s yall?

He seems like a nice dude

inb4 at least 2 people who join complain about being unable to read their class card because they use light theme


I’m guessing that the person that you’re guessing, is me.