[Canned by Popular Demand] Bastardized Camelot

What’s so bad about bastard mechanics?

That is a confirmed bastard mechanic :wink:

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Its cuz they make u think u about to win and then u lose

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And then you like… “Didnt we just lynch the last evil”… everyone else is evil.

But then someone else wins?

I hope y’all enjoy this but uhhhh
Not for me lol
Posting here on mobile so I can get alerts and watch the bullshit ensue

Yes my boi u understand now

So u spectating?




Sure I’ll /spectate

btw there’s a bastard mechanic where all spectators are forced to play


If feel like it’s gonna be disaster… dunno why… :thinking:

It’s okay eat :cookie:

Question how do you get the chat colors :thinking:



*drinking tea
Sorry but i’m not eating any sweets while drinking this precious tea…

Whammerist lead us to victory as a spectator…


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What about now?

I’m good thanks.