[Canned by Popular Demand] Bastardized Camelot

I was actually planning on doing one but… dunno yet


Does this somehow involve me getting rid of the cookies in my system?

:woman_shrugging: who knows


Does it involve revealing information on who the traitors are?

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I base my rewards on who wins them xD


I wanna make a deal with the devil Celeste


Am I allowed to argue for a recharge in my day ability?

So intense moments o-o


…I want your Night Abilities then.

Was asking question

Wasn’t a deal yet

Going to show my deal now

No she is da wishgranter and soultaker

Also can I help town a tiny bit because they suck
(They already have the info Celeste <3 pls)



Hey remember Squid’s N1 result? Yeah.
@ all camelotians

I don’t get it

Marl is a knight so?

Squid’s N1 result was that Orange and Pug were not the same faction :roll_eyes:

Ok no more hints!(not that they actually were real hints but still)

Pug is evil?


/Vote Pug