[Canned by Popular Demand] Bastardized Camelot

(It was pretty out there and yall missed that)

/:b:ote Pug

Yeah, like I said before
Of course, Marl said that there is a traitor that can make everyone seem suspicious… I feel we should take the risk.

(Either way, Im not expecting town to win this)

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I’m not accepting that faulty deal.

What I want is to be able to actually do something :frowning:

Me neither, but I want the traitors out of our sights

(same, personally I’m hoping and expecting for a NK win)

(I doubt that even more)

Yeah, cause you have 2 converts per cycle, had an unlynchable evil, and lied about everything.

(Shurian winning waiting room :popcorn: )

I only lie to certain people if you havent noticed yet

Since convert immunity is a lie, that means NKs can be converted.

(But noots in ;-; the neuts will side nk I hope)

Everyone, I need you to vote Pug, if he’s Town, then Psycho or I can rez him

Ja. That is true

I want to be able to do something…


…I’ll make your limited day ability infinite if you forfeit your win if you win.


I want something that is FUN :wink:

Celeste, what’s the vote count and how many people are needed for Pug to be executed?

Theres 15 people here I think? 14? Something like that so 8?