Catgirl Angel Dayless Discussion Thread

Helps better resolve wins


this is blatantly a ripoff of the superior catgirl jester nightless smh my head

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No matter who is nightkilled, there is always 1 clear IC vig alive

there is no downside to claiming

it is possible to remove the vig from the setup with enough luck

the wording “may come to a consensus” means neighborizing nobody is possible
mafia neighborized>vig killed>scum!angel neighborized>vig killed>3 votes vs 1 for no neighborize
don’t even need a scum!angel they’d still just tie the votes
with no neighborized vanillas there would be no vig

Vig the person who voted no.

there’s 3 people voting no though.

two wolves and the scum!angel
vs a vig
you literally can’t kill them all

That would require extremely bad luck and townplay

someone’s never been to i42 :slightly_smiling_face:

Luck intensifies

I got like halfway through reading the comments here and gave up lol


  1. does the gun have unlimited shots?
  2. if the gun passes from town to mafia and the mafia obviously doesn’t die because they have all the killing power, does the game auto-end?
  3. who has the task of giving out the angel neighbor(izer) card?
  4. is this going to go better than your afk turbo right before thanksgiving?
  5. you should play FM and this is not a question, it’s a command

oh hell no


This tbh


Pigeon I actually don’t hate your ideas

Obviously some are very flawed but I just in general feel like it’s important for you to play a game before hosting one. You very much should get a feel at actually playing a game of fm before hosting one. I don’t at all think you’d be awful, especially when I feel like you’d be very good specifically in solving people based off of meta as you are one to look back in this forum alot.


Yes, but once per night

Mafia can’t get the gun. If there is no Town in the neighborhood, Mafia wins.

Everyone in the neighborhood.


I’ve been trying to find the time.

ok ok, that seems fine then

so everyone votes on the guardian angel but their assigned target is random? or is it guaranteed to be town? I take it only the angel knows who their target is, though.

fair enough
join us, you’ll have fun :slight_smile:
and honestly, as min said, I think you’d actually do well at FM. it seems like your ideas are more or less ok for balance, maybe with slight adjustment, so that tells me you’d also be a decent player.

ah yes “half the game does not get to play” mafia


D2 town loses due to rand choosing the only town in the tied vote