[CFM2] Banned Chat

I have no idea. I’m a lone wolf.
I’d assume not.

Let me get this straight Kyo. You joined an event which had a high likelihood you would die as wolf?

The wolves have got this game in the bag anyway.

See I wouldn’t mind randing as NK.
I’ll pretend to be a helpful townie while I devour the town and the group scum wolves in the night :sunglasses: .

So… are we all stuck dead now?

Dunno. Not sure if anyone else can revive.

p sure alice is the new chloe??

Welp… I guess that’s game then.
…in the meantime, could someone explain to me how Geyde died?

…? What do you mean?

she hasn’t been publicly banned, yet she’s here

Huh… but if she became the new Chloe, wouldn’t she know about it?

it’s possible that she’s hiding that fact? idk.
If she’s already dead, the game is bastard though

…new Chloe?

yeah, the new mod

how the fuck else could you be in here while not dead

You mean the TWT-something?

After all the things you have seen, you don’t think this game is bastard?

–also, with you being a confirmed scum (because you left, multiple times) and Kyo outing himself as a lost wolf, there should be no reason for a Reviver to hide their abilities.

p sure you got geyde’s mod powers
idk why
but this feign isn’t working, i can assure you that

I’ve already won the game.

Wut? You were a neut?